It is the SIEM Ship Management policy to consistently provide services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of all customers. The Company is totally committed to achieving a flawless operation. The company is committed to giving our customers what is most important for them – full efficiency and readiness of their ships to transport cargos and the conformity with the requirements of the country under whose flag the ship sails, requirements of the classification entity and other requirements applicable to the managed vessels.

It is SIEM Ship Management’s policy to prevent injury and ill health to our employees and to continually improve the performance of the Integrated Management System, while complying to applicable legal and other requirements. SIEM Ship Management takes all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks are identified and mitigated by the implementation of effective control measures. The correct safety equipment and personnel protective equipment will be provided to all employees.

SIEM Ship Management actively pursues ever improving quality and safety through programs that enable each employee to do their job right the first time and every time. SIEM Ship Management aims to remain a leading ship management company by continuous improvement. This involves the active participation and endeavor of all shore staff and seagoing personnel.




The mission of SIEM Ship Management is to be a low-cost, profitable, provider of ship management services for our charterers and business partners. We support the empowerment of the workforce and the utilisation of a safe workplace resulting in competitive and innovative quality service for customers while providing a healthy work environment and creating a positive long-term social, cultural, and economic benefit for employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders.

Our high standards of work and safety are achieved by operating dynamic and improving Integrated Management Systems which meet the requirements of the International Standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and the ISM Code.



Meeting Customer’s expectations is the most fundamental source of the Company’s
business success and is the most important obligation we carry out.

We are committed to “A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKPLACE”